The Gita Bodh is also available as sessions, conducted by the author himself.These are available as physically conducted seminars as well as live webinars, in simple English.
Upcoming Session
Topic by topic it covers the entire knowledge of The Bhagavad Gita and how one can benefit from it in life. It follows the contents and sequence as given in Gita Bodh book. There are lively discussions which help the participants to get full clarity on the topic. It is presented in the simple and contemporary language with examples and illustrations easy to understand for anyone.
Program duration: 20 hours (including discussions and Q & A)
Language: English
Two full day sessions
Sessions of 1.5 hours per day for ten days
You will be able to know the entire vision of the Bhagavad Gita and how to lead your life with this enlightened vision.
No previous exposure to the subject is necessary. Interested people from any background and from all age groups are eligible to attend.
This is an introduction to the Bhagavad Gita, its importance and how Gita Bodh helps one to understand the Bhagavad Gita and its benefit in life. This overview gives a fairly good appreciation of the whole topic.
Program duration: 2 hours including discussions and Q & A
Language: English
You will be able to appreciate the fundamental error in our perspective towards life and understand the vision of the Bhagavad Gita and its extraordinary relevance to life
No previous exposure to the subject is necessary. Interested people from any background and from all age groups are eligible to attend.
This decision-making strategy is based on the author’s analysis of Swadharma, the important aspect of Karmayoga in the Bhagavad Gita. The Bhagavad Gita was told to Arjuna on the battlefield of Mahabharata when he faced the extraordinary crisis and did not know how to take the right decision. This wisdom is now crystallized and presented as a well-defined theory. Uday calls this as ‘Three circle theory of decision making – the Gita way’.
Based on his insight in the Bhagavad Gita and his long successful corporate experience, he has evolved a very effective and very simple theory for good decision making, which is easy to understand and to implement. It enables you to take a sound decision in any situation, professional and personal and it leads to perfect win – win.
Program duration: 2 hours including discussions and Q & A
Language: English
You will be able to take right decisions under any circumstance with clarity and conviction.
This is a very popular session and many people have found it to be very useful. A must attend session for everybody.
No previous exposure to the subject is necessary. Interested people from any background and from all age groups are eligible to attend.