
Uday Karanjkar

Uday was born in 1955 at Nagpur. He is Electronics and Telecommunication engineer and Post-Graduate in Industrial Engineering from NITIE Mumbai. Living a vibrant, worldly life as well as simultaneously pursuing his spiritual quest, he could find a sound synthesis between the two, which is the very vision of the Gita. He believes that his insight in this wisdom is at the core of his success and happiness.

The Corporate Executive

With illustrious career of 37 years, Uday Karanjkar is an expert in various fields of management and specializes in Enterprise Systems. He is known for his passion, creativity, analytical and interpersonal skills and management expertise. He has successfully led many large scale and challenging initiatives and large projects in various areas of engineering industry as well as end to end computerization of all functions of organizations. He is based in Pune, India

The Artist

He is a passionate artist and loves painting outdoor water colour landscapes and making sculptures. Since childhood he enjoys water colour painting and has earned several awards. He has held solo exhibitions as well as group exhibitions of his paintings. He specializes in doing outdoor watercolour landscape paintings in Himalayan mountains, which are highly appreciated by art lovers. He has also done deep study in Painting as a subject, it’s various aspects like subject character, emotional content, aesthetic appeal and beauty, sensory effects etc. and tries to incorporate these principles in his painting.

The trekker and wanderer

He loves the Himalayas and enjoys nature and trekking. He has travelled in interior parts of Himalayas and often spends time in the mesmerizing mountains to soak in nature’s beauty and also to do watercolour landscapes. His love for Himalayas has taken him to interior areas of Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Gadhwal and Kumaon regions of Uttarakhand, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan etc, often staying in remote places and villages. Apart from Trekking, he loves wandering at leisure in Himalayas.

The spiritual seeker

From a young age, he was daunted by fundamental questions about life, universe and the God. His quest led to exploration of texts in the fields of psychology, philosophy and religion, till he found that the Bhagavad Gita seemed to have all the answers. After initial self-effort for few years, at the young age of 35, he was blessed to have a Sadguru, Pujya Swami SatSwarupanandaji. Since then, over a period of 27 years, he studied the Gita and Vedanta texts like Upanishads, Brahmasutra, Prakarana Granthas, in depth under him. He continued his quest by doing research and analysis to get the clarity and to understand the vision of these texts.

Pujya Swami SatSwarupanandaji

Pujya Swami SatSwarupanandaji had been teaching the Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Prakarana Granthas and other Vedantic texts in Pune for over four decades. His method is very detailed and systematic and as per the traditional method of teaching Vedanta. His sole desire has been to ensure that the interested student really understands the message of this profound wisdom and makes best use of it in his life to realize the purpose of human life.Several really fortunate people have availed of his exceptional teaching and have immensely benefited in their lives.He is a disciple of late Pujya Swami Dayanandaji of Arsha Vidya Gurukulam. He has now left Pune and is currently staying in Swami Dayanand Ashram at Rishikesh, India.