What Is Unique about Gita Bodh?

Gita Bodh is not a verse-by-verse commentary nor a translation of the Gita. It is a topic wise, concept by concept presentation of the knowledge revealed in the Gita as a whole, in a smooth, logical sequence. It step by step progressively unfolds the whole vision of the Bhagavad Gita, leading to a clear understanding and conclusion. One chapter is dedicated to each main topic, wherein all aspects related to that topic revealed across the entire Gita have been consolidated and the topic is dealt with comprehensively.Chapters themselves have been organized in logical progressive sequence to systematically build the whole picture.
This helps the seeker to directly acquire precise and comprehensive understanding of the Bhagavad Gita

The Intent of this book

The intent of this book is to simply present the knowledge from the Bhagavad Gita in a precise and organized manner which is easy to understand.The book is written from the point of view of a student (seeker) and not from the teacher’s view (preacher).The purpose of the book is to help the reader to grasp the entire vision of the Bhagavad Gita with complete clarity by identifying and understanding all the concepts and their interrelations.

Structure of this book

Each chapter is well structured. The concepts are organized in a smooth flow within the chapter and explained precisely. There are beautiful illustrations, simple stories and examples to explain and emphasize important points. Each chapter ends with a summary of the main points. To ensure authenticity and further reading the reference of the relevant verses from the Gita for each concept have been given after the summary. Effort has been made to avoid any personal bias

Presentation of the book

The book is in simple English. The content is to the point, precise and direct. A lot of care has been taken to ensure that the chances of misinterpretation of the content are minimized to the extent possible. While care has been taken to avoid repetition, it has been done wherever it was necessary or useful.Vedantic basis and terminology have been used to ensure authenticity and preciseness. Diacritical marks have been incorporated to help the reader understand the correct pronunciation of original Sanskrit words. Also, Devanagari versions of these words have been given when these words appear for the first time in the book.An effort has been made to make the book aesthetically beautiful and ergonomically easy on eyes, to give a pleasurable reading experience. Big font, enough white spaces, beautiful page layout, custom designed pages and complete colour printing with nice illustrations, excellent quality of paper and printing, all result in an enjoyable and comfortable reading experience. It has total 544 pages and is hard bound

"Have you listened to this with a
single-pointed mind Arjuna? Has the delusion that is caused by ignorance been destroyed?"
"By your grace, my delusion is gone and I have gained recognition of myself. O Lord, I remain as one from whom all doubts have gone. I will do what you say."

This Book is an attempt to answer the question that Lord Krishna did not ask...

The last verse of Lord Kṛṣṇa in the Gītā is his question to Arjuna, “Have you listened to this with a single-pointed mind Arjuna? Has the delusion that is caused by ignorance been destroyed?” (Verse 18.72)

To which Arjuna replies, “By your grace,my delusion is gone and I have gained recognition of myself. O Lord, I remain as one from whom all doubts have gone. I will do what you say.” (Verse 18.73)

After this dialogue, which is the Gītā, concludes. However, after this reply of Arjuna, had Lord Kṛṣṇa asked him, “If it is so, please tell me precisely what you have understood and learnt from this long and involved discussion”, what would have been the answer that Lord Kṛṣṇa would have been satisfied with?

Key aspects of Gita Bodh

  • Prayojana : The Purpose of This Book

    The Bhagavad Gītā addresses the fundamental issues of death, ignorance and sorrow and guides a person to realise the ultimate seeking of a being - Mokṣa. It makes a huge difference to one's life as it beautifully synthesizes the day-to-day worldly life with the spiritual evolution towards this goal. However, it is difficult to grasp the complete vision of the Bhagavad Gītā. The purpose of this book is to help the seeker to grasp and comprehend the entire vision of the Bhagavad Gītā and Vedānta, with clarity, preciseness, accuracy and completeness, with minimum efforts and make the best use of his life with this insight.

  • The Bhagavad Gītā has many profound topics discussed at multiple places in the course  of  the  evolving  dialogue.  Though,  many  outstanding  verse-by-verse commentaries  are  available,  it  is  still  a  challenge  to  identify  all  the  concepts, understand them holistically and interrelate them to get the complete picture.  

  • Gita Bodh is not a verse-by-verse commentary. It is a uniqueconcept-by-concept presentation,  in  a  smooth  progressive  sequence,  of  the  profound  wisdom revealed in the Bhagavad Gītā taken as a whole, probably the first of its kind. Step by step it unfolds the whole vision of the Bhagavad Gītā,leading to a clear comprehensive understanding. Each chapter is dedicated to one specific topic, wherein all the concepts related to that topic are organized in a smoothlogical sequence. Each concept is explained holistically, based on all the relevant verses across the entire Bhagavad Gītā. Each chapter ends with a summaryof the main points and the 'Bodh', the precise takeaway from the chapter. Chapters themselves are in progressive sequenceto systematically buildthe whole picture. Concepts that are prerequisites to understand this knowledge are also covered. Language is simple and precise and there are meaningful visuals, stories and examples.

  • Gita Bodh is not a verse-by-verse commentary. It is a uniqueconcept-by-concept presentation,  in  a  smooth  progressive  sequence,  of  the  profound  wisdom revealed in the Bhagavad Gītā taken as a whole, probably the first of its kind. Step by step it unfolds the whole vision of the Bhagavad Gītā,leading to a clear comprehensive understanding. Each chapter is dedicated to one specific topic, wherein all the concepts related to that topic are organized in a smoothlogical sequence. Each concept is explained holistically, based on all the relevant verses across the entire Bhagavad Gītā. Each chapter ends with a summaryof the main points and the 'Bodh', the precise takeaway from the chapter. Chapters themselves are in progressive sequenceto systematically buildthe whole picture. Concepts that are prerequisites to understand this knowledge are also covered. Language is simple and precise and there are meaningful visuals, stories and examples.

  • Gita Bodh is an outcome of an extensive study and analysis of the Bhagavad Gītā and Vedānta over three decades under the guidance of a Guru, and its application in daily life. Commentaries by masters and Vedāntic texts have been used as a basis to ensure authenticity as per GuruParamparā ,the traditional teaching. Modern analytical methods have been used to objectively analyse the Bhagavad Gītā, then build and validate this conceptual model ensuring that it is free of any errors, gaps, contradictions, personal bias and the influence of popular notions. Explanationof each concept is based on the relevant verses from the Bhagavad Gītā and their references are also given. The content of the book has been validated by the masters and authorities in the subject.

  • The book is for anyone,who wants to clearly and completely understand the Bhagavad Gītā and Vedānta. It is for the one who wants answers revealed by the Bhagavad Gītā to fundamental questions of life; like, Who am I? What is the purpose of my life? Why do I suffer? What is death? What is this Universe? What is God? What is Self-Realisation and Mokṣa and how to achieve it? and many more… This knowledge is universal and is beneficial to everyone irrespective of one's gender, social, economic, professional, educational background, religion, or country. It is very much essential - not just in old age but also in the active phase of  life.  One  may  or  may  not  have  any  prior  exposure  to  this  subject. A desire to know and an open mind is all that is necessary

  • It explains Brahmavidyā - knowledge of the Self, the Creation, Īśvara and the Ultimate Reality, the Brahman and the purpose of life in the light of this knowledge - Mokṣa. It also explainsYogaśāstra -a systematic methodology to achieve Mokṣa. It includes Dharmācaraṇa, Viveka, Karmayoga, Jn᷉ānayoga, Dhyānayoga, and Bhaktiyoga

  • The focus of the book is to ensureeasy and accurate assimilation by the reader. Each chapter is well structured. The content is precise and direct. The language is simple. Care has been taken to minimise the chances of misinterpretation. Standard Vedāntic terminology has been used to ensure consistency and preciseness. There are beautiful illustrations, simple stories, and examples to explain and emphasiseimportant points. Diacritical marks have been incorporated to know the correctpronunciation of the original Sanskritwords. Also, Devanagari versions of these wordshave been given when they appear for the first time. The useof the first person 'I' has been done to help the reader to relate personally. To maintain simplicity, forthe third person,'he' is usedto represent bothgenders. The draft has been reviewed by more than 50 peoplewith diverse backgrounds which has helped in fine-tuning the presentation. A Big font, enough white spaces, beautiful page layout, excellent quality of paper, complete colour printing, all make the book aesthetically beautifuland ergonomically easy on the eyes, to give a pleasurable reading experience

  • With the understanding of this profound divine wisdom, a person at any stage of life can gain enoughstrength to face difficulties in life and have a matureand harmonious view of life. He will be happier, morepeaceful and at ease withlife. Most importantly, while living in the world, he will be able to beautifully integrate his day-to-day life with spiritual progress and move towards the ultimate goal of Mokṣa.  

  • Since the basic approach of the book is to build the knowledge step by step, the best way is to read it sequentially, understand each concept, reflect on it, and read it once again if necessary, so that it will be easier to understand the next concept